Friday, March 22, 2013

A job for an entrepreneur is merely a cushy jail cell or a terminal patient making themselves comfortable while they wait.

I feel like I'm not going to have too much trouble remembering today.  One of the most frustrating and exciting days of my life.  Last night I got to hangout with some friends of mine.  One of them owns a business that nets around $1.6 million a year.  My other friend has just recently been making some strides in the business world and is really starting to pick up some momentum.  Me, on the other hand, work a 9-5 and am extremely frustrated that I don't own a business. The more time around some of these great friends, just was a nagging reminder of wondering what the next step is, and how to get there.

I've been working really hard on trying to figure out a business that would work for Jenni and I.  This didn't seem like it would be such a big challenge, but when you have no capital, and you want to make sure you don't end up doing something that you hate, successful or no, it becomes a much bigger challenge.  Last night was about the 5th business that has been a dead end.  In the beginning, it sounds like a great deal, but after closer inspection, I am finding that it is doomed to fail. I guess I can be proud of the fact that I'm learning to know what I'm getting into, before I get into it.  It's also been cool to see how much safer Jenn feels when I'm making sure something is going to work before investing time and money into it. 

This morning at work, I was so angry I could barely see straight.  I was angry that I pray for direction and feel like I'm guessing which way to go.  I had it out with God so to speak, and spent the rest of my day searching for what I was supposed to do.  I was in a really bad mood by the time I got home and I was sulking.  Jenn just kept telling me that she felt like the future was bright and she knew we would figure things out.  She said she believed she could keep working and I could quit my job.  At that moment, I was reminded of a quote I heard awhile back about how to be successful with starting a new business.  This is my paraphrase, but they said something like you needed to treat it as important as your next breath, or your next meal.  In other words, sometimes making the transition from a job to full time business needs to be treated like life or death... Working with the realization, that if you don't do whatever it takes to be successful, your family won't eat.  It's a bit dramatic, but it's the very reason a lot of people will never be able to make that transition.  The comfort of a job is paralyzing if you've always had one.  It feels like a nice cushy jail cell but it's safer than the unknown. It's strange how hard it is to let go and take a step of faith and that fear is the very thing that keeps many from attaining there dreams.

All that being said, I had an idea.  It wasn't glamorous, and it was an idea that I had already had.  Everything is set up and ready to go.  A few tweaks to the original idea, and it became not only a possible solution, but a pretty dang good one.  As I walk to the ledge and leave my fear behind me, I look out into the beautiful expanse of the unknown... and I jump.

1 comment:

  1. "Success is the doing, not the getting; in the trying, not the triumph. Success is a personal standard, reaching for the highest that is in us, becoming all that we can be." ~ Zig Ziglar

    YES, YOU CAN!!!
