Sunday, March 24, 2013

I went to a broadway musical tonight with a lot of old people who take themselves way to seriously.  One dude was wearing a white turtle neck with a black suit jacket, and I was tempted to tell him that his choice of clothes hasn't been cool since the early 90's. We were given the tickets and it really was a good show.  Some of the broadway musical numbers I didn't care much for, but the songs from Broadway musicals like Wicked, Phantom of the Opera, Les Miserables, and Mamma Mia! I enjoyed. We also got to hear the old wives of old husbands give a not so quiet play by play during the musical.  It would be pretty annoying if it wasn't so pathetically cute. I'll probably be doing the same thing when I'm about 110 so I figure I shouldn't dog them too much.

At one point, I almost pulled a gut muscle because some old lady was opening a mint or something with an extra crinkly wrapper. It's hard to describe the hilarity of this moment because you really had to be there.  The wrapper started crinkling and my guess is this lady couldn't get it open because about a minute later, I looked over at Jenn and smiled trying not to lol (I've always wanted to use this in a sentence).  Then I'm not kidding but for about another straight minute, the wrapper was continually being crinkled.  It was taking every ounce of self control to hold in my laughter. I'm not certain, but I felt my abs after this and they were stronger and firmer than they were prior to that bit of comedy.  This was definitely one of the bright spots of my evening.

One other thing that was a first for me was standing in a long line for the Men's Bathroom while there was NO line for the women's.  This completely was perplexing to me until I entered the men's room and I was the only dude without a cane.  Actually, I take that back... There was one other guy without a cane.  It was the dude with the white turtleneck and black suit jacket.

All in all it was a very entertaining evening.

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