Sunday, January 08, 2006

Thursday night: 1 hour of sleep
Friday night: 3 hours of sleep
Saturday night: 3 hours of sleep

It's a surprise I'm still functioning. I just got back from Orlando a little while ago. Sometimes the mind just needs to detach and go some place that is unfamiliar. It is just what I needed.

I was so blessed to meet some of the people I did. Each person had a different and unique story.

The first girl I met up with was Lori. She walked up in an outfit that would have made an artist proud. Her glowing eyes were kind and the skin around her eyes was telling of how often she has smiled. We walked around Publix and got some various food items and some coke to support a nearby friends addiction. I don't remember what we talked about, but I remember enjoying her company. Her presence was like a broken-in shoe that only got more comfortable with time.

The second was a girl named Shannon. A pretty girl with white blonde hair. A pretty smile and a thin frame. I didn't have to guess what she was thinking or what she thought, because she expressed it in such an honest way that endeared me to her immediately. Hearing of the hurt of her life filled with heartache that wouldn't relent. Hearing about the inner strength that was developed as a result of her trials. Hearing the faith underlying every intricacy of her story and the victory of the person living it. A story unabridged, she wore it on her sleeve and trusted a complete stranger with her vulnerability. Oh that I wish more believers were as genuine.

The third was a guy named Croy. Tall with unkempt hair and any first impression was instantly proved wrong when he started talking. Articulate and encouraging, when he shook your hand he gave you the impression that you were the only person in the room at that very moment. He was an amiable guy who could make you feel good about yourself just by smiling. It was evident that most of the people their considered him to be like a cool older brother that they looked up to and respected. I instantly liked him. He made his way around to all of the people in the house making sure they had everything they needed and that people felt like they belonged. He would serve without being noticed and still found time to talk with people and make sure they had a good time.

Last was a girl named Kim. A short spunky girl that could inspire enthusiasm in anyone within a 10 mile radius. She talked excitedly about anything and everything, and she would tell stories that almost made me soil myself. Stories of ducks and drunk men. Stories of where she was and where she wanted to be. She lived her life unencumbered by rules and all that is considered socially acceptable. It was so refreshing to have someone say what they mean, mean what they say, and do whatever they want. You just knew that every word that came out of her mouth was not meant to be in code so that you could spend the rest of the night trying to figure out what the heck she was talking about. What you saw was what you got and if she said something, that's exactly what was meant. No sarcasm. No innuendos. Just brute honesty. I have never met a girl that was so entertaining to be around.

I just sometimes get tired of all the fluff. Trite expressions and overplayed music complimenting a Christian community that live their lives before man and not God. Why can't people be more honest? With other people, but more importantly, with themselves? Is asking a person to be genuine too much to ask? Being with this group was a breath of fresh air. An indication that there are people that still care about what truly matters.

I won't lie, but it was a surprise to find such a treasure troff of quality people in such a short period of time. I could have listed more, but these were the ones that particularly blessed my heart in different ways over the course of my night in Orlando.

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