Friday, January 06, 2006

Answering questions are great, but I think I'll take things back to the old school, where I just put my thoughts down on paper. It doesn't have to have bullet points or roman numerals. It doesn't have to be pertaining to a question or any particular subject. I just want to write and what ever comes out comes straight from my heart and my mind doesn't have time to change it.

Right now in my life I have never been more sure of what I'm doing although the length of my fingernails tells a different story. Every day is a new opportunity to change myself, change my surroundings and change my future. Before I started taking control of my life, I had no control. Circumstances would hit me and my arms would hang limp. I would try to do something great and at the first sign of opposition, I would back down. There is a lot to be said about growing oneself. Reading, and applying that knowledge daily, changes a person. I think the main reason why a lot of people's growth is constipated is because they're putting the education in but they have nothing to apply it to, so it just sits inside their head and they become about as useful as an incomplete set of Encyclopedias.

I've never been more excited about the future than I am right now. I've learned that life is too short to live in fear and uncertainty. Fear is paralyzing and the longer we live in fear and don't take any action, our lives atrophy and start to die. John Furhman said it well when he said "if you aren't growing, you're dying." Life is a journey and some people never start the journey. Some people are still sitting at the starting line. Change is so much fun though. People who aren't in the process of growing and achieving are miserable, and I don't blame them.

Some will never know the joy of making a difference. They whittle away their time day to day, performing mundane tasks that concern only them. They are selfish and whether they know it or not, they'll never look outside of their own circumstances to see the people who are aching for a warm smile or a word of encouragement. People are so capable of something better it's sad to see them settle for a life of mediocrity.

I'm ready for my day to begin. Once I leave this office... This jail cell that I temporarily must endure, I will leave an go down to Orlando. I'll be meeting with about 15 different people. Sure I'll be going through a few basic concepts with them, but essentially my whole reason for sitting down with them is to see if they have a dream. To see if they haven't settled but are looking for something better. I'm going to see if they believe they can do great things.

I'm also going to be meeting with some friends of mine later that night. Essentially, I'll be thrown into a group of people that I barely know and have never seen, and I will love it. Making friends lights my fire, and please don't take that the wrong way. What I mean is that we are going to be having a bonfire that night because of the recent cold weather quite uncommon for Florida. We'll sit around the fire and talk as if we were old friends. I can see it in my mind, and I don't mind telling you I like what I see. It'll probably almost seem like a dream and then I'll travel about 12 hours back home. The things I do for the people that I love, and the business I own.

I love my life, I'm excited about my future, and I wish you my kind of success.

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