Monday, January 09, 2006


Please take away my fear. Help me to have faith that You have everything taken care of. You have the perfect woman chosen for me, and I don't have to worry anymore. I don't have everything figured out, but I know that you do. If I could see You, would it change anything? If you were standing beside me, then would I trust You? Would I be closer with You, Lord, if I could physically feel the cloth that You wear, or kiss the flesh on Your hands and feet. Like Thomas am I going to be remembered for my ability to doubt? Am I like Peter who was so excited to see You that he got out of the boat, but after taking a few steps, took his eyes off You and began to sink? Grant me the strength and the patience to wait on You, like Abraham and Sarah did when they waited for a son. Help me to stand strong in You, and be used by You like David when he fearlessly took on Goliath.

I know I am inconsistent in my relationship with You, and that is something that I want to change. It will take getting up early every morning, no matter how I feel. It will take buffeting my body until I cross the finish line. It will take having You on my mind, and having your words in my mouth. My flesh can be so weak, so fill me with your Spirit. Empower me to do what is right, even though I don't feel like it sometimes. Be strong through my weakness. Gain glory through this broken vessel. I live on the promise that You will use the weak things of this world to confound the strong, and You will use the foolish things to confound the wise. Forgive my humanity and help me to live in a way that is focused on Your grace. Help me to do great things for Your name. I love You so much.

Your son,


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