Thursday, December 29, 2005

What is your method for qualifying a girl?


There are two different ways to order the way I qualify a girl. On a scale of importance, or chronologically. Since I enjoy a good story, I'll bring you through the process of how I come to like a girl.

First Qualification (and most important)

She has to be a girl. This may be an unspoken, but in today's society, you never know. When I'm walking around, a dude doesn't even get a first look for qualification.

Second Qualification

I have to be physically attracted to her. This is the very next thing I see, and it either opens the door or closes it. There have been times where initially the door closes, but then after I've gotten to be friends with her, attraction sometimes grows from that. I wouldn't worry to much about if a guy doesn't find you attractive. I believe it's part of God's process of weeding out the wrong guys for you.

Third Qualification

This is a detail, but she has to be single. This can always change, but while she is dating another guy or has just gotten out of a serious relationship, she is off limits.

Fourth Qualification

She has to be a believer. It says in the Bible, not to be unequally yoked. Whether you're a believer or not, this is just common sense. How could you marry a person that at the foundation of all that you believe is important and true, doesn't feel the same way? I couldn't imagine being in a relationship with a girl that isn't excited about what I'm most excited about. I couldn't stand expressing the things that mean the most to me and for her not understand what the heck I'm talking about. I'm not a huge stickler about this, but it's also tough to be in a relationship with a believer who isn't as strong in their faith as you. When you want to run and they can only walk, it will cause friction and frustration in the relationship.

Fifth Qualification

We have to enjoy each other's company and conversation. Some people call it chemistry. If I don't enjoy hanging out with them all the time, then why would I want to spend the rest of my life with them? I never want to relive the experience of dating a girl I wasn't friends with. One-on-one time was excruciating, except for when we were making out which got old real quick. I have to be able to talk to her for hours on end and never find an end to the conversation. I have to be able to spend an obscene amount of time with her and enjoy her company more than when we started hanging out.

Sixth Qualification

This is the toughest qualification. The girl has to be going the same direction in life. She has to have similar dreams and goals. If she doesn't, she has to be willing to put those dreams and goals aside for awhile and grab ahold of mine. She has to geographically be close or at least be willing to be close, and she has to love my family (which isn't very difficult).

Seventh Qualification

She has to say "I do."

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