Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Are there any ways of knowing when to pursue a guy, and when to give them space?

Kernersville, NC

How much a girl has to pursue a guy, is usually an indication of how strong that guy is. For instance, a guy that is afraid to initiate at all, would need the girl to pursue him. The mediocre guy would need the girl to meet half-way, and the strong minded guy wouldn't need anything from the girl, because a guy who is strong minded, knows what he wants, and he is confident he can get it. This isn't to say that it is nice when a girl drops hints, clues, and a little flirtation if needed to let us know, so we aren't shooting in the dark. Usually this is enough to tip us off.

Sometimes it isn't that a guy is weak, but sometimes he is just oblivious. In this circumstance, I believe it's God saying that it's not the right time. God has a way of knocking the guy over the head and telling him "Look Stupid! She is right in front of you!" But only when it's the right time. For instance the same thing happened with my dad and mom. My dad knew way before my mom ever did. In fact, the first time my dad asked my mom to marry him, she laughed. When God was ready though, he clued her in, and they got married.

I think it's also ok, to let the guy work for it. Guys like a challenge, and if they consider the prize high enough, they'll do just about anything to achieve it. Just like anything that is fought for in life, the harder it is to achieve, the more it is valued and appreciated. Jacob worked 14 years for Uncle Laban to get Rachel. Girls have more power than they know, and if they thought more of themselves and kept high standards, guys would rise to the challenge. I firmly believe this would be a big factor in increasing the quality of today's men. I know this is idealistic, but guys will do just about anything for a girl (It's our Achille's heel).

Please send your questions and comments to josh@acsconveyor.com

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