Wednesday, September 24, 2003

In my 4th year of college, I have never lived on campus. I've never stayed in a dorm room, or have had a meal plan. I feel like I've missed out. I missed out on some of the fun that it would have been, and I missed out on the packed rooms, random roommates, bad food, no a/c, going up and down lots of stairs, bad parking, and the inability for privacy.

All this to say that if I ever would have stayed in the dorms, it probably would have been dope. At the same time, I just don't mind all that much that I missed out on it.

I'm in the computer lab at the moment and I'm about to get together with a study group for my Evangelism class. We have a test tomorrow and the average question will probably be a little something like this:

In the Bible, the Devil is described as
a) a roaring lion b) a shark c) a turtle d) all of the above

I'm not too worried about it. The study group is actually just an excuse for me to hang out with some friends. Well, it's time to go study... and when I say study... I mean party.


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