Tuesday, September 23, 2003

A lot of people refer to the Bible as Spiritual food, but I think more importantly it is a Spiritual bed. Sound stupid? Well that's because it is stupid. Where I'm going with this whole line of retarded reasoning is that when I don't get into the Word of God, I end up feeling physically, mentally, spiritually, and socially fatigued. In other words I get tired and am unable to be my usual excited and energetic self if I don't get into the Word ("Bed"). You feel me.

Tonight I hung out with some new people after Crusade. I've learned something about myself. People are my passion. I love them so much, and when I'm meeting new people, it refreshes my soul.

It's crazy awesome how God answers prayer! I mean lately he's been just blessing every one of my prayers. "If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer." Matthew 21:22. Let me break it down for you. I've been praying the prayer of Jabez. Now this is something I used to scoff at, and I still do to some degree (mostly just because it's considered to be popular by contemporary Christian culture), but the fact is that this prayer pretty much expresses what I want to happen this year in my life. I want my territory and my influence to grow, and I want to keep from evil so that I wouldn't bring down others or Christ's name.

Well, about every week I'm making on average about 30 friends, as well as growing the friendships I already have. It's a blessing that this is happening, because if my motive were popularity, which it's not, then God wouldn't be blessing like he has. He's also been keeping me from some of the sin that I know myself to be prone to fall into. It has been dope because then it doesn't screw with my joy. If my joy is flushed, then so is my identity. I've come to figure out that joy is the key to most of my strengths as a believer and if I don't have it, well then I'm screwed, and so are the people I am around that day.

Another thing I figured out tonight is that I don't have a very high tolerance for people who don't give grace. I guess it would be hypocritical of me to deny those kinds of people grace. I guess I have bad memories growing up of being the guy who was always on the receiving end of grace. Offending people, late to everything, irresponsible, undisciplined, etc. I rubbed the opposite kind of people the wrong way. I've seen how an inability to give grace can separate family members from each other. I remember how I felt when grace was denied me. I am reminded of God's grace for me, and it just doesn't really impress me when a person enjoys so much grace from God, but is unable to do the same for others.

Side note: I prayed that God would provide financially and then miraculously $100 was taken off of one of the bills I had to pay for. Is it coincidence? I think not.

Dang, I'm so excited, and it's partly because I have to go to the bathroom right now, so I'll go ahead and go do that. Hopefully I won't lose all of my excitement though, because that would really help me get the homework done that I haven't started on yet.

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