Wednesday, July 30, 2003

To the one who thinks man is an island:

You want people to be apart of your life only on your own terms. You seek control of everything and anything that cannot be controlled is dismissed whether it is situations or people. Your stiff-necked rules of life, called boundaries, cause no room for grace. None at all. Whether it is someone taking your piece of toast or someone asking a favor. There is no room for failure and there is no tolerance for screwing up. The hospitality of your home is about as warm as ice, and being around you is more uncomfortable than a hemorrhoid.

Someone miscalculated how much strength they would need to reach your island and as they drown in the shallows you are outraged that they would make a mistake and ask for your help in turn. You refuse your hand getting wet on their account and you keep the boundaries of your life intact while your friend drowns. We would all be freaking screwed if Jesus had the same boundaries as you. If anyone's boundaries ever got stepped on it was him.

You seek hollow and empty philosophy from so called professionals and you've gotten yourself deep in a pile of proverbial crap. I commend you for your unhindered life. The only price you had to pay was turning out some of the people who love you most. You're not entitled to do anyone favors. No one's entitled to do anyone favors. Part of friendship though is giving of yourself and being given to. This leaves room for being let down, or having your life hindered, but this is the price of letting people into your life.

The Bible tells us to be Christ like. I see your boundaries for what they are. It is so you can keep your pride intact and call it something other than what it is. Humility is difficult to attain and I know that I am far from acquiring it. I know you love the Lord and want to be like Jesus as I do, but being like Jesus requires you to take the nature of a servant, and your boundaries won't stand a day against the humility and grace-giving required of a servant.

I love you, and even though you live hundreds of miles away from me, you still find ways to piss me off and make me want to cry.

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