Monday, July 07, 2003

My dad and I have an ongoing competition of Nertz going on.

I know how aggravating the game can be if you can never win, so I let him win. He reminds me of myself when we play. He'll say things that boast of self pity and I do the same thing. My brother Jason will follow up one of those remarks with "don't sell yourself short." I thought about saying the same thing to him but I realized his intention. Me and him have a bit of pride. When the other persons losing, you help keep their pride a bit intact by saying how poor a player you are yourself. You chock your winning up to good cards, or just luck.

He beamed when he won. Oh man it was worth it. Age doesn't do much to get rid of his young competitive spirit (I realized those last three words when put together in the same sentence just about make you gay for reading them...sorry about that). I could just as well lock myself in my room all day and read (which I have been doing a lot of), but when my dad wants me to play cards with him, I can't say no. Puckering his lips in concentration he bends the cards and makes a mess when he puts the cards out in the middle stacks. We have a great time though.

I'm going to sleep. It's 1:35 in the morning and I'm waking up in about 9 hours to find a job.

Huraugh, huraugh (Her-Awe).

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