Thursday, May 15, 2003

Josh's chart of Worst to Greatest Tippers:

# 1 Elderly British

In general, the elderly are used to things costing a dime or a nickel, and they are also used to tipping a dime or a nickel. Now seeing as in Britain, servers are paid minimum wage, tipping is usually not over practiced. And Elderly British people being a combination of these two things, causes them to top the chart of Worst to Greatest Tippers. For example, when I worked at Cracker Barrel, a bus of elderly British people came in, and the server who waited on them, earned $3 dollars (in dimes and nickels mind you) off of about 30-40 people. Ouch!

# 2 British

Younger British people pay a little more, but are still usually not aware that servers here make about $3 on each bi-weekly paycheck. Rather than over $200 like the servers in Britain.

# 3 African American High schoolers

African American High schoolers, not only don't tip well, but also often try to leave without paying their bills. One group of about 3-4 tables of black high schoolers decided they wanted to try and skip out on their bill, even though nothing was wrong with the food or the service. The server had to go chase them down and threaten to call the police before they paid. On average 100 percent of the black high school tables I've had have always tipped me under 10% for good service.

# 4 African American College Students

I am not sure why African American college students don't usually tip well. It might just be that this is how they were brought up. It could also be that there is an extremely small amount of waiters that are African American, and people who have waited before almost always tip better.

# 5 Elderly American

They are used to dime and nickel tips, but growing up in American society has increased the amount of tip that is given.

# 6 African American Adults

All I can chalk it up to is different culture. In the African American culture, there is just not a high premium placed on tipping servers.

# 7 American High schoolers

Being of American Culture, tipping is seen as important, but at the same time, High schoolers struggle with the fact that they don't have a lot of money to give or don't know what it's like to pay your own bills and have to work for your own money. This can also play a negative factor in their overall tipping practices.

# 8 American Adults

Still living a little in passed times, but most adults' children have taught them how to tip well (my parents included).

# 9 American College students

Almost being the best tippers, college students are incredible tippers. For example, tonight, I made $10 off a college student table, about $15 off of another, and about $15 off of yet another. Good tippers, very good tippers indeed.

# 10 Any person who serves or bartends or has done it in the past

These people are gold in the serving business if you are lucky enough to serve them. They know what it's like to be in your position. They also can appreciate good service when it is given. They also know how they feel when they get good tips as well as when they get bad tips, and they make sure that they make you really happy with the one you get. For example, the other night, a bartender at a club here in town, gave me $20 on a $20 tab. For all you math scholars out there, that is a 100% tip. This is a little better than the usual 15%.

My friend Brandon says he doesn't like coming to work sometimes, because it makes him racist. Here in Gainesville we happen to have a large African American population, or at least they like to come to the Ale House Wednesday night. It's funny that the white servers already have the prejudice that they will be tipped poorly, which unfortunately is true most of the time, and the black people already have the prejudice that the server will give bad service just because they are black. It seems that since this is the case, black people rarely will get good service and white servers will rarely get good tips from black people. I'm not sure which causes the other. I think they may both cause each other. I try my hardest to give good service every time, no matter who they are.

So that finishes off my philosophy of tipping. I've been thinking about this for a about a year or so, and I'm just now documenting what I think.

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