Wednesday, May 14, 2003

I'm getting used to things getting out of control.

The list of things that I need to get done is growing longer, and the amount of time I have to do them seems to be getting shorter. With my working so much and having classes, whenever I actually do have some spare time, I just want to sleep. Like today for example: After class, I should have been studied some Psychology so that I can finish up my tests. Well, my hour nap turned into a four-hour nap. It was good in a way since I didn't get very good sleep the night before, and I worked till 3 this morning, but I don't have time to sleep, or at least not that much.

I haven't washed my work uniform in God knows how long, and as for the laundry that I actually got around to doing, is still sitting in my laundry basket all wrinkled. I feel bad because my brother is waiting to get a big paycheck from the air conditioner filter frames that we've already done, and I have school in the daytime, and then I work at night. It doesn't leave a lot of time to bring an invoice to the other side of town. I've got to get my book in Astronomy and then get to work on two homework assignments. I also need to get art supplies, which will cost some more money. I also need to pack and get a suit ready to wear for the wedding I'm going to this weekend. I need to pay the bills, and I need to shower and brush my teeth.

At work the last few nights, I've been trying to get better at handling more tables. Usually, it starts by me screwing something up or forgetting something. Then it snowballs and I get flustered and confused. I have to send a shout out to all of the guests that have sat in my section and have been so nice when I screw up their stuff. When I served at Cracker Barrel, I got yelled at by guests all of the time. Now whenever I screw something up, my table says: "we understand" or "don't worry about it, we're hanging out anyways" or "we need something, but just whenever you get a chance." They are so nice even though I deserve a lot worse a lot of the time. Now what was I talking about? Oh yeah. Things are a lot of times out of my control. Sometimes I get help, and sometimes I just do my best.

Tonight I made about $125. Not because of a particularly stellar performance on my part. I've figured something pretty important out. When you're nice to people, it turns out they sometimes bend over backwards to please you. I make eye contact; I talk in an articulate and energetic voice; I smile; and I make friends with them. Sometimes I can screw their whole order up, and after they've left, I find a little "thank you" note written on a napkin or sometimes a phone number.

I guess what I'm trying to say is that being nice and genuine with people, makes them want your croutons.

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