Monday, May 12, 2003

Happy Mother's Day to all you mothers out there.

If you're a guy, happy Mother's Day to your mom, and if you're a girl yet to be a mother, then here's to hoping that one-day you'll be able to birth a few babies (after you get married of course).

Today was rather enjoyable, although I am extremely happy for the change in schedule tomorrow. I wake up for my first summer class tomorrow morning at 8:30. I have been reading a lot the past few days. I have now read about 200 pages in the book I�m reading at the moment. My brother hasn�t picked up a book by this author and I don�t believe he ever will. This author (like my Psychology teacher) thinks girls are God�s gift to creation. Now don�t get me wrong. I love girls! In this book, the author somehow makes them suck. They are all on a power trip and boss all the guys around (or try to) and it�s hard to like any of these girl characters. When I know that a chick part is coming up where they start talking about how men suck and how girls are the greatest, I skim through those parts until I get to something worth reading. Here�s a little excerpt from the book to show you how it sometimes sucks:

�Alise herself brought up the very rear as if to herd even the packhorses along. She paused long enough to hand Elayne her green-plumed hat. �You�ll want to keep the sun off that sweet face of yours,� she said with a smile. �Such a pretty girl. No need to turn to leather before your time. Aviendha, sitting on the ground nearby, fell over backward and kicked her heels laughing. �I think I�ll ask her to find you a hat. With lots of plumes, and big bows,� Elayne said in dulcet tones. That certainly cut off Aviendha�s laughter.�

Since it is Mother�s Day, and Mothers are also female, I didn�t set the book on fire after reading this text. I showed great restraint in the fact that I didn�t rip it to shreds, put it in my pipe, and smoke it. Well, there you have it. I have laid down my very pride and have admitted that this piece of writing (as well as many like it) is actually in the book that I am now reading. I don�t know why the author felt the need to screw up all his books with this gay crap, but he did, so I do my best to panel in the good writing and block out the bad.

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