Monday, May 12, 2003

I helped an older gentleman get moved into his house tonight. He�s taking a position as assistant pastor at the church I now attend. He seems like a really cool guy and as we were moving things from the U-haul into his new home. I spotted a small object that I knew very well. A mouthpiece for the instrument I began playing when I was in the 6th grade. I then saw the tuba that was also packed into the moving truck. I was so happy to leave the band when I left halfway through my senior year of high school, but seeing a tuba again brought back some mixed emotions. I really wanted to ask him if I could play it, but I didn�t want to have to put him in a position to have to say no. There was also a lot of moving that needed to be done, and I�m sure the others would have enjoyed my serenading them with the tuba while they struggled to get desks, tables and other assorted furniture into the already cramped house.

I always think it�s gay when people come into the place that they work at, all of the time, because they think they�re so cool when everyone knows who they are. I am glad to be able to truly say that I go because of the food and the 50% off.

I went to Ale House to eat with Tyler tonight. I keep on forgetting that he is only 16 years old. I am 5 years older than him and still feel like I am no nearer to adulthood than he is. Even with being one of his �youth leaders� a lot of times I feel like a con. We sat and talked for the first time since I�ve known him. We�ve played basketball together on numerous occasions but rarely have I ever sat down and actually talked with him.

He told me that his girlfriend recently asked him for a break. Being completely ignorant of the terms used in relationships today, I asked if that was the term used for breaking up nowadays. He explained to me that his girlfriend just wanted some time off. I guess this is a little bit better than a break up, because there is more of a chance of getting back together. I told him whether it was a break or break up, the guy is always going to think there�s a chance of getting back together, even though sometimes you are just fooling yourself. I didn�t tell him this though. Denial is the hearts way of protecting itself from breaking completely or at least until it has time to heal.

It is sad to say that the quality of the Big Red just isn�t what it used to be. It�s once untarnished glory is slowly being trampled underfoot. New cooks come in and they bastardize this sacred sandwich. Tonight, my Big Red was a 3.87 on the Big Red scale. The once Big Red Average of 7�s and even into the 8�s, has dropped to about the lower 5�s and is in danger of going into the 4�s. If things don�t begin to improve, there will be sad days ahead for all of the faithful Big Red consumers.

Maybe we�ll start a petition demanding better Big Reds. Hmm�

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