Sunday, April 27, 2003

A lot of you probably had a strange desire to party today. Let me explain to you why this was.

It is because today was a national holiday. Unfortunately, a lack of getting the word out has caused nobody to really know about it. For those of you who were uninformed, today was Do Josh's Homework Day. This national holiday can be celebrated in two different ways. The first way of celebrating is to party at your location of choice while thinking about the fact that Josh is doing his homework while you party. This turns out to be a great way to party because it's always nicer to party while knowing that someone else is simultaneously working and not partying. It's kind of that feeling of thankfulness that you gain from seeing a homeless person pushing a shopping cart while you go by in your new beamer. You probably don't own a beamer, but if you did, then you'd probably get this feeling.

This holiday was established so that 1) Josh could get some much needed homework done, and 2) you'd see what you could be doing, but don't have to do... because you aren't me. If I were you, that would be great, but I'm me and since it is Do Josh's Homework Day, I would feel like a hypocrite if I wasn't doing homework myself. Now you are probably thinking that this is a lame holiday and that I'm the only one who celebrated it. Well, you'd think you were cool but you'd just be really dumb.

Nyffy celebrated the holiday with me. Nyff and I had a great time celebrating this day that hopefully will come to be time-honored tradition in homes all over the nation. Of course, Nyff's taking part in Do Josh's Homework Day didn't come without a small price. Doing homework that requires more thinking, Nyff is paid $6.00 an hour, and for work that requires no real knowledge or thinking whatsoever, Nyff is paid $5.00 an hour. I receive no payment, but I have the rare joy of celebrating a holiday where I am an exclusive part of the holiday. I guess my birthday would be like this except for the fact that there are others who have a birthday on the same day.

Well, I hope you had a wonderful Do Josh's Homework Day! Unlike other holidays, this holiday is not celebrated annually. It actually just depends on when I want it to be, and as crazy as it may seem, I believe tomorrow will be yet another observance of Do Josh's Homework Day!

So put on your party clothes and get ready to party. In the meantime, Nyffy and I will be doing my homework.

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