Tuesday, April 23, 2013

At men's Bible Study, we got on the subject of trust in a marriage... To tell you the truth, I had never thought about how difficult it would be to navigate through a marriage where the trust was removed from the equation.  Jenni and my issues seem difficult enough, but when I look at other marriages where there is little to no trust, it makes the issues in my marriage look trivial at best.  Maybe after almost 5 years of marriage, I'm still naive.  Maybe I'm still among the newbies whose journey hasn't been tested by fire yet.  It's as if my journey hasn't been treacherous enough for my experience to be validated yet.

Is there really anyway not to sound full of yourself by giving marital advice being only 5 years in? Nope.  This is why I usually just keep quiet. It's a hopeless feeling to want to help but when you find that you are usually one of the younger people in the groups you hang out with, people aren't going out of their way to ask for your advice... and I'm loath to give advice that isn't asked for.  Even though I'm naturally drawn towards wanting to mentor and coach others, I am going to have to be patient and wait for my age and experience to catch up.  Better to actually be sought out rather than perpetually handing out unasked for advice.

1 comment:

  1. Remember that you're the older and wiser guy to anyone in their 20's, son. When I arrived in Galway at the age of 27, I WAS the older woman to the university women. S'all relative. :-)
