Saturday, January 23, 2010

My first attempt at beginning the process of writing a book:


My heart
I think it’s rather funny that I’m writing a forward and I’m guilty of usually skipping them in most of the books I’ve read. I guess it’s a feeling of why eat the salad when you know the main course is a Buffalo Chicken Ranch Sandwich from Chili’s. All I really want to get across in this forward is who I am and why I’m writing this book. The books I’ve always enjoyed the most were the ones where I felt like the author was good at making a personal connection with the reader. If this doesn’t happen it ends up reading like a textbook and I hate textbooks. It reminds me of classes I had to take in school when I would have much rather been at lunch or recess.

My name is Josh Killingsworth and I’m a 28 year old who’s probably not a whole lot different from you. I hate brushing my teeth, and I hate flossing even more. I really don’t like showering either, but I’ve developed a healthy habit of doing all of the above (except for the flossing) so that my wife will allow me to come near her. I have other quirks, but I’ll spare you the details. I’ve been married to a beautiful girl named Jenni for about a year and a half and we’re enjoying the journey of life together. Each passing day is just a new opportunity to experience God in new ways. I am reminded of Kevin Spacey’s narration from American Beauty,

“...It’s hard to stay mad when there is so much beauty in the world. Sometimes I feel like I’m seeing it all at once and it’s too much. My heart fills up like a balloon that’s about to burst. And then I remember to relax and stop trying to hold on to it. And then it flows through me like rain. And I can’t feel anything but gratitude for every single moment of my stupid little life. You have no idea what I’m talking about I’m sure. But don’t worry. You will someday.”

The reason I am writing this book, is to try to help answer some pretty tough questions. Who am I? How did I become who I am? What am I doing? Why am I doing what I’m doing? Why am I bored? Why am I unfulfilled? What’s my purpose? I feel like too many people are drifting. They’re in a life raft rather than a boat. They’re the child who covers their eyes expecting to disappear from view. It’s tough to decide to constantly be present in your own life. It’s so easy to slip into a passive state where you just watch your life go by. You numb your senses so that you won’t have to feel the pain that life sometimes can cause. Drugs and/or alcohol are some people’s means of escape. For others, video games or movies are their means of living a virtual life where they can live out an exciting story where they are the hero. This is much to be desired over their own life, which has become bland and terribly unoriginal. They are bored of living their life and they have to come up with projects to take on so that they can fill that need of accomplishment. I want to talk through some of these issues and hopefully get you to the point where you’re excited about changing the world you live in.

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