Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Nothing ever prepares you for what happened last night. All the textbooks, classes, life lessons, never can show you how to react when you find out your dad will never get to see your children. No one tells you what to do when you see your wife crawl into the hospital bed where her dad lays as she buries her head in his chest and cries. There would be no reassuring touch from him to reassure his daughter that she would be ok. She layed beside him in that hospital bed and just cried. Those images will be ones I take with me to my grave. There is no heart that breaks like a daughter's heart for her daddy. I'm reminded of the time when I saw my dad after he had had his heart attack. So close to death... It's only in those moments when you realize how fragile life is. How fine that line is between every day life, and coming home from the hospital to see your dad's car in the driveway and have to remind yourself he's not inside. What do you say to your wife of 11 months after her mom calls from the hospital to tell her that her dads heart quit beating and the doctors are trying to bring him back to life.

Today we started the healing process, and I don't know how long that journey will be, but that's the great thing about marriage. No matter how long that journey is, I signed up for the whole thing. I signed up for the sleepless nights of trying to forget a world with your father still in it. I don't exactly know what I'm doing. I'm new to this whole marriage thing, but I am confident that there is no other man outside of her father that loves her as completely and deeply as I do.

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