Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Like it or not, when I decided to be a leader, I put a down payment down on the glass house I would take up residence in. With each new business I franchise to, I feel like the microscope that people see me through becomes that much more refined. When I used to screw up it used to just hurt myself. Now I bare the responsibility that if I fall, the people leaning on me will fall too.

I neglect to call it a burden because I don't see it that way. It's a joy to lead, but with that comes a very great responsibility. It talks about in the Bible that if you make a weaker brother stumble, you may as well tie a mill stone around your neck and throw yourself into the ocean. I'd have to agree with this. I also agree with Luke 12:48 which states, "To whom much is given, from him much will be required," or if you like the Spiderman paraphrase: "With great power comes great responsibility."

It doesn't mean that you flee from responsibility. An increase in responsibility is just a part of the cost of increasing the amount of people who look to you for leadership.

Things are exciting at the moment. I just franchised to about five more businesses this past week and am looking to franchise to about 5 more in the upcoming 2 weeks. I appreciate the extra accountability that is needed because of this growth. I'm excited to have another thing that will kick my butt. When my body is weary and just wants sleep, I will have the extra push to read more, learn more, grow more. I've heard character is what you are when no one is looking.

I got to have coffee with a good friend the other day. She is a bright spark and a joy to be around. She has a beautiful heart and her outer beauty just mirrors what lies beneath the surface. It was an encouragement to soak up some conversation from an outside perspective. It gets tiresome to hear myself think, so it was a most welcome intrusion into my already cluttered mind. She said something that made a lot of sense and it is worthy of repeating. "Live life as if you were content with never marrying."

Forgive the cliche' but Christ should be and is sufficient. At the point of salvation we were made perfect. It's not that I don't screw up, but I was made whole. I was completed when Christ came into my life. I used to always view marriage as 50% and 50% joining to make 100%. I now know the truth is that 100% and 100% come together to create something greater than the sum of its parts. Something supernatural that can't be explained.

Before that happens, I need to be content in the completion that Christ is in my life. I don't need a girl to love me or validate me. I don't need to rely on what people think of me. Romans 8:31 states, "If God be for us, who can be against us?" I need to rest easy knowing that God the mighty warrior stands by with his hand on His sheathed sword ready to win my battle for me. He would do this if I would just stop trying win the fight on my own. I'm sure I look ridiculous in my armor of tin foil and my weapon being a plastic spoon.

Now playing: 'Heartbeats' by Jose Gonzalez.

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