Thursday, January 12, 2006

There is a question that has been on my heart.

Is the heart supposed to lead the mind or is the mind supposed to lead the heart? If the heart leads the mind, does this cause a person to run the risk of acting illogically and irrationally? If the mind leads the heart, does a person then run the risk of strangling the hearts true ability to inspire and to be passionate? The heart is the wellspring of life, but it is also deceitful above all else. I am obviously writing these questions before I've had a chance to see in more depth what the Bible has to say about this as well as what my mentors would say.

I consider myself to be a passionate person, so does that mean I need to reign that passion in with my mind, or correct my heart and my passions? There are probably two different point of views concerning this, and I don't know which side I fall on. I consider my biggest strength is my passion and my ability to love and this has been my biggest strength but has also tended to get me into trouble at times. I'm just trying to figure myself out, which I guess is a question I'll be trying to answer as long as I live. It doesn't bother me too much though. As long as I stay teachable, and match up what I'm doing with what the Bible says as well as surround myself with people who are where I want to be in life, then I can't get too far off track.

I'm going to study this, and I'll let you know what I find out.

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