Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Here's an interesting subject. As us 20+ year olds are waiting for that wife or husband that we'll spend the rest of our lives with, are there multiple people we could be happy with, or from God's foreknowledge did he create one and only one person to fill that role for us? I've asked various people, and have gotten both answers.

I have always seen things in a very logical way asking the question, "does this make sense?" There are so many things that need to happen for two people to become one. It may be this fact that has shaped my belief that maybe there is more than one out there that I could truly be happy with. Is it maybe a lack of faith on my part that I don't hold out for that one perfect prize that God is holding for precisely the right time? What if I miss it? What if I choose wrong? What if someone accidentally marries the one that was supposed to marry me?

There is a lot of faith required to believe that me and my beloved were being knit together in our mother's wombs to this end: To live without marrying that person would be to live life as an incomplete person void of the one person that would make me whole. God brings us through a life where we grow as individuals and the very circumstances that our life deals us is to become the person that my beloved will one day need as her other half. I could be passing her on the sidewalk and not know that I just passed the person who holds in her possession all of which I lack. Am I afraid to hope that my path is destined to intersect at the perfect time and place with that girl who is the only one who can truly satisfy me? A beautiful creation made for me and only me and on that day when I look into her eyes, will I know that to live a life without her in it, would be to live a life devoid of true happiness?" What if I hoped though? I fear hoping, but what if I stepped off that cliff and took that fall? Will my beloved save me before I hit the ground?

I'm tired of keeping such a tight reign on my heart. I think it's time to let go and let God.
I fall victim sometimes to the belief that God calls us to a life of burdensome duty instead of a life of joyful service. It didn't occur to me that maybe God won't rest until I marry the girl that is the only one in the world that can complete me. I don't mean that to sound Jerry Mcquireish but I guess it makes sense that way.

There are so many variables that I believe it's nothing short of a miracle to find one who fits you perfectly. Maybe that's the way God wanted it to be.

A blessed miracle.

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