Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Last night was my first night of work at the Golden Corral. I took this on as a second job, so I could use the money to pay bills and reinvest back into my business. I work with a bunch of 17-18 yr. old girls and a bunch of ladies in their 40's and 50's. There was one girl that was a pretty cool chick named Corrina who was 19 almost 20. Since this was about the only mature conversation I could have without someone giggling at everything I said, we ended up talking most of the rest of the shift. She, like most other girls, is looking for a guy that isn't either a jerk or an immature kid. Her previous boyfriend was both. I assured her there are a few good guys out there and to not give up on us.

I'm excited to be in a position to help guys grow up and mature. We've unfortunately raised up a generation of big kids who can't do much for themselves because they haven't matured yet. I don't care who he is or what he acts like. I don't care if he is the biggest egotistical jerk. If he gets commited to a dream, and to change, he will become a leader of thousands. It's only a matter of time before a man gets broken down enough through change before they come to know God and his son Jesus. I believe that the desire to know God is at the very core of our identity as men and women. It's a blessing to not only see guys go through the bloody noses of life hitting them, and to see the change they struggle through, but I love the fact that I get to go through it right beside them. Sometimes I teach the people I lead, but usually I end up learning the most from them.

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