Tuesday, December 06, 2005

I told my mom I was moving out today.

It kind of feels like I'm breaking up with someone even though in my past (extensive) dating experiences up until the 6th grade, the girl was always the one to break up with me. I had a lump in my throat and my eyes were getting moist as I was writing her the e-mail. It was in response to her e-mail that was talking about all of the things that I'm falling short on, and every word of it was true.

I didn't want to do it any longer. I want to be out on my own again. I told her they were wanting to act as a support for me, but instead I was using them as a crutch. I need to get out on my own and learn how to live without running to my parents any time I have a problem. I also didn't like the fact that they could see me fall again and again. I just want to get away and work on myself and not feel like I'm a burden on my parents which I have been for some time now. I'm optimistic and believe this will be good for me. I told my parents how much I love them, and how this isn't a result of poor parenting. They have been and still are incredible parents.

In four minutes, work will be over and I'll get out of here. I'm excited. I feel like I'm starting a new chapter in my life although I'm not sure what the last chapter was really about, and I'm interested to see what'll change.

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