Wednesday, October 19, 2005

When you have little to no audience reading what you write, your way of writing changes. Clever analogies and word usage, are replaced with clearly stated thoughts. Since I am just writing for myself, I don't really feel the need to impress myself with my incredible writing skills, so I may as well state my thoughts plainly. Since I like people to be up front with me, I may as well be up front with myself.

The last week has been hard, but good. I've had a lot of people quit from my business, and I've had new people getting in. Sure it's sad to see people give up on their dreams, but you can't force someone to be willing to do what it takes to succeed. I know that this is all a part of the process of success. I'm busy just sifting through the masses of people out there to find those people who have a dream and will do whatever it takes to accomplish it, regardless of what I do.

I've come to the realization that I'm no better than the next guy and at times I'm worse off. I have figured out though, that as long as I don't quit and I keep going, I'll pass all those people who gave up. I've found a common thread among people who are successful. None of them quit.

There are a lot of awesome things going on in my business right now, and God is definitely blessing it. I'm very excited about where my business is, but I am not satisfied. I'm excited about how much I've grown personally, but I am not satisfied. I know I have a lot of growing and changing yet to do. I've come a long way, but I'm light years away from where I want to be.

With each "no" I take a step, each person that quits is another step, every page read is another step. Every bit of knowledge heard is another step, every mile driven is another step, and with every step I take I get farther and farther away from where I used to be, or who I used to be. With my destination firmly set in my mind, I will journey. Whether through barren terrain, or beautiful pastures, I know where I came from, and I know where I'm going. With every step, I'm that much closer to my goal. Since success is not a destination, but a journey, I will take joy in the journey itself, but will also enjoy the rewards along the way.

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