Monday, October 17, 2005

What I've come to find out in the process of growing up is that time doesn't necessarily change things. A year can go by but if you don't actively pursue changing your life, the only thing you have added to your life is another year.

In my case It has been about a year and a half since my last journal entry, and although I feel the same, I am not. I've changed the way I think. What separates the doctor and the ditch-digger? The way they think.

I have made it a point to change my life by proactively living. I'm no longer just reacting to the circumstances that use to determine my life, but I now determine my circumstances by choosing my attitude. I determine my attitude by the books that I read and the people that I associate with. I now know that it is my choice how I react to every circumstance, so I've found that it isn't the circumstance that determines my attitude. It's me that controls my attitude.
I know that what I put in my head will come through in my actions. The two ways that I put things into my head is through my ear gate and eye gate, so I am very careful what goes in.

Since I control my thoughts I can also control my actions, and if this is true which in my humble but accurate opinion it is, then I control my life. Stephen Covey in "7 Habits of Highly Effective People," says to start with the end in mind. Well I've already started since I'm the architect of my future and all. Here's what I've chosen for myself:

I will be in the 2% of wealth in America. I will use my income to serve others and provide a future for myself and my family. I know that success is achieved by failure and so with each passing failure that's not duplicated, I'm one step closer to success. God has put the seeds of greatness inside of me and I will surprise the world with what I accomplish for the kingdom of God. I will marry a beautiful wife, and we will have children (however many God chooses to bless us with). I will retire my parents and will help support the rest of my family if they need my help. I will retire at the age of 26 and will spend the rest of my life serving others by teaching them how to do what I've done. I will drive an Aston Martin, and I will have multiple homes. I will live this way on 10% of my income and give the other 90% away. I will be responsible for seeing over a million people come to know the Lord in my lifetime and will also help grow 12 other world changing leaders. I will not stop pursuing my dreams and goals until the day I die, because I realize that the second I stop growing, I start dying, and so I make the decision to never stop growing until, I breathe my last.

When I die, I will be surrounded by hundreds of thousands of people who called me friend and I will be remembered for living a life that pointed to God's glory and not my own. A foolish thing of the world that God used to confound the wise. That will be a sight.

The future is bright, and that's because I've chosen for it to be that way.

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