Sunday, August 24, 2003

Holy freaking crap!

I've been learning some rocking stuff lately. Some of the stuff that I've been learning recently has actually gone to some use in my daily life. Here's the thing. I've learned some things that could have some major consequences on the rest of my life. I heard a quote that bit me in the butt. I forget who it was by or how exactly it went: "I have never seen God use a discouraged and depressed person." It made me think about when I used to sulk and think about how everything sucked. I would get down on myself and I'd blame anything and everything around me for my troubles.

I found out that circumstances are not really good to base your attitude on, because that would mean that your attitude would be up and down and all over the freaking place all of the freaking time. The only way to live a constantly joyful life is to forget about the circumstances and start walking in the Spirit; making your roots go down deep so that no storm can shake you. I've found that the Christian life is impossible to truly live out without reading the Bible. I've never considered the meaning of "The Word of God is living and breathing and sharper than any two-edged sword..." and now I know that life is lifeless and dull without it.

So take it from someone who knows. If you are a professing Christian, get into the Word and it'll change your whole outlook on crap.

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