Tuesday, July 15, 2003

Spam- 1) Gross food that one in every billion person enjoys eating. 2) E-mail that one in every billion person enjoys receiving.

I wonder if the spam e-mail people have ever gotten anyone to buy what they are selling. I bet they have because there are still dumb people in the world.

I really don't know who these spam people are. Maybe it�s some desperate company that is scraping the bottom of the barrel. Maybe it�s some guy who lives in an old one-bedroom apartment and sits in front of the computer wearing only his underwear and colored socks. I don't have a clue what goes through these spam people's minds when they think that they�ve accomplished something when someone�s e-mail inbox just got flooded with a bunch of crap.

It's funny that they have all these clever ways of trying to get you to open up the e-mail they send as if tricking you into opening it will somehow make you want to buy what they are selling.

I think they were really smart when they figured out that using your e-mail address as your name would make you think that you were actually getting a personal e-mail: "hey crazyjosh@hotmail.com. I'm really good friends with you and that's why I call you by your e-mail address." Or if they are really advanced they'll cut off the last part of the e-mail address: "check this out crazyjosh! It�ll blow your mind."

Then there's the poor mislead spam senders who actually think that I want to enlarge my male anatomy! Ugh, so gross. Do they send these e-mails to chicks? Or the e-mails that tell me that there are a bunch of crazy and wild chicks that want to get with me. Come on now. I know better.

Thankfully the whole chain letter thing has just about died out, but not completely since I get the occasional e-mail telling me that every time I forward this useless e-mail, I get paid $100 from God knows whom.

Oh, and then there's occasional diploma offer or insurance sale. I never quite understood these. These are usually hidden pretty well because the title of the e-mail just has some obscure greeting like "hi" or "hey there."

Overall though, you're going to get a majority of e-mails pleading with you to go look at naked chicks. Truly tasteless.

I've learned to laugh at these poor attempts at selling me things whether it's products or promises of excitement. These spam people insult your intelligence and annoy you to no end because one time somewhere along the way they sold something to a sadly mixed up individual.

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