Friday, May 09, 2003

Here's something that bugs me:

Why is it that some people don't want/like to be hugged? I could see if it's some freaky, messed-up stranger, but if it's a trusted friend, what's the big deal? Every now and then I'll have those people who push away and make some excuse about their back hurting or retreating to go talk with someone else; Someone who will stay a comfortable distance away. Is it just because they have a different personality, or is it because their parents didn't show them affection? I really shouldn't take offense to the fact that someone doesn't want to be hugged by me, but I do. A person like me probably scares the crap out of people like that.

On that note, I think I embarrassed a girl tonight. After I smothered her, everyone else (who knew that she didn't take well to hugs) laughed at us. She was bright red and my face was turning the same color. I apologized and she said it was all right. I gathered my stuff and closed the door to shut out the laughter even though I could still hear it from outside.

I then went over to some other friends' house. I told them before that I would bring them some ice cream. Well, it was probably not a smart idea to offer this unless I was actually going to do it. Tired and not in the mood to drive over to the store and get ice cream at 1:30 in the morning, I showed up empty-handed and waited for the fireworks. I guess my reason for getting the ice cream was to somehow make up for hanging out with somebody else other than them. Rather than just saying "maybe we can hangout some other time," I try to offer some kind of half-hearted consolation prize. It's impossible to make everyone happy, and when I try I usually don't succeed. I either need to get better at it, or forget about doing it at all.

Ughh, I've got to go to sleep. Today didn't turn out all that great, and the fact that I have a 14-hour shift tomorrow doesn't help me feel any better. The prospect of sleeping in, always makes your current affairs seem a lot better. I guess the opposite is also true.

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