Monday, March 25, 2013

The more I write, the more I am convinced that writing comes easier to the inspired.  Inspiration isn't waiting for lightning to strike as some would believe.  Inspiration can be God given, but I am also finding that inspiration is searched for, and can be found.  One's heart, soul, and mind is a spot of soil that can be enriched.  I find that what I put in tends to come out.  I find that when my soul is pierced by something sad, or beautiful, it spills out onto the page.

I truly believe that some of the most beautiful art was created out of the deepest heart ache.  Horatio Spafford lost his 4 year old son, his whole business was lost in the Chicago fire of 1871, and his four daughters with the exception of his wife drowned in the Atlantic after a collision with another ship. It was on a ship near the place where his four daughters had died where he was inspired to write the well know hymn, It Is Well with My Soul.

I believe art is a creations' expression of it's Creator's genius.  To design a creation that bleeds was one of God's greatest gifts to us. I always used to be afraid of pain, but I have found pain to be one of the motivators for artistic expression.  I believe art is produced when normal means of communication fall short of conveying the hearts deepest hurts, joys, longings... For some it is a musical instrument.  For others it is a canvas.  For me it is a page.  It is on this page where I choose to let my heart bleed.

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