Thursday, July 03, 2003

You haven't partied till you've partied in Lynchburg. Tonight my parents and I are going to the dollar theatre. We might get a game of Scrabble or Yahtzee going on later when the party gets really crazy.

I'm sitting here sipping on some Earl Grey Tea, and enjoying the feeling of contentment after a big meal. My mom is on a mission to feed me healthy stuff, and since it tastes good, and it's free, and it's cooked for me, I'm not going to complain. Sure I'd rather have a Big Red and French Fries, but time is slipping away before school starts and daddy has to look nice and healthy for the ladies. Even if I wanted one (A Big Red that is) I'd have to travel quite a ways to get one, and even then I wouldn't be sure I'd get one that was quality-made.

I went to about 5 places to fill out applications today. A bunch of restaurants and the paving job. I'm also going to ask about a possible job at Liberty. Please pray for this. I really would like to get a job soon. I feel like I'm doing a whole lot of nothing, and I have bills to pay and people to pay.

It always makes you feel good when you go into a restaurant to fill out an application, and the pretty waitress who gives it to gives you a crazy awesome smile. Not just any smile though. The smile that subtely says, "You're hot, and I hope you'll be my future co-worker." She probably wasn't thinking anything of a sort, and her smile was probably the smile she gives every person who walks through there. So maybe this whole thing was made up just to feed my ego. So thank you to the pretty server for making my day.

Oh and one more thing. My mom just came in and told me that we were going to see a double feature tonight. Two movies in a row. I could tell she was pleased with how crazy this sounded and I've got to give her credit. I don't remember the last time I've done something crazy like that. Now you can see where I got my crazy-watching-two-movies-in-a-row side of my personality. We might have to also rock out a little bowling action later on in the week.

Man I love this junk.

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