Tuesday, July 01, 2003

I didn't exactly get a very warm welcome from my new home here in Virginia.

Having my windshield wipers on full wipage, I struggled to see the road as I took the turn at the 7-Eleven into the subdivision where my parents home is. Parked outside the house, I sat in the car awhile to see if the rain would subside, but I ended up hurriedly running into the house not doing a great job of dodging the rain. I'm sitting here in an oversized white shirt because my other shirt was soaked. My mom is cooking up some food in the kitchen down the hall and my dad is on the phone in the room next to this one.

I saw my room when I came in. It had been prepared by my mom. It needs some work, but it's off to a good start. I might need to get rid of the doily on the dresser as well as the senior picture of yours truly (me). I don't know what I'm going to do after that. I haven't planned that far. It's still raining, and all of my belongings are still locked outside in my car.

It still hasn't sunk in that I live here yet. I find myself thinking about how long I'm going to stay before I go back home. It's sad to think that I won't be going back to Florida to live for at least 2 years, and there's a good chance I might not even make it back then or ever for that matter. Whenever I go back, I won't have a home there. I will only be passing through.

I'm in debt about $700. Not a great start, but Lord willing I'll be able to get that paid off soon.

On my way up from Atlanta, I got to stop in Charlotte to hang out with an old friend. We went out to get a meal, and played some basketball. I became addicted to Enter the Matrix the video game, and had a hard time tearing myself away from it. I need to shave, and I need to start working. My mom went to prepare a fruit bowl for me.

It may not be too hard to get used to a new home after all.

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